Bed Bugs Control Services in Nairobi Kenya

Bed Bugs Control Services in Nairobi

Bedbugs are tiny but pesky insects that will cause you a lot of headache by making your home completely uncomfortable for you. They mostly settle on beds and sofas thus making it difficult to have a peaceful relaxation after a tiresome day of work. At Solcity Shine, we are experts at ensuring that bedbugs are entirely out of your house for good.

If you don’t call us today to eradicate these stubborn insects as early as now, these bed bugs will cause you serious insomnia. This because they will make your bed so uncomfortable that every time you want to close your eyes all you can think of is their painful bites. Contact us before it’s too late to recover from this serious condition. We will thoroughly fumigate your home to kill all the bedbugs.

Bed bugs Control Services in Nairobi Kenya


Contact us on 0705 459 105 or or fill the form for a free bed bugs fumigation services in Nairobi quote

Why Choose Solcity Bed Bugs Control Services

At Solcity Shine fumigation we use Eco-friendly chemicals and advanced equipment to exterminate all the bedbugs causing you sleepless nights. We will destroy the already existing bedbugs and ensuring that they never reappear by dismantling all the eggs they may have laid. Contact us now so that we can restore your home from these tiny but dangerous animals.

We use our long term experience acquired skills and techniques to eliminate all bed bugs from your house at least twice at an interval of two weeks. Be it home or office infestation, our team of experts will pay you double visits to just to be sure that we complete liquidate them all.

Our first visit is always to destroy the existing bed bugs and since they are known for laying millions of eggs rapidly which are hutched in a fortnight, our next visit will be after two weeks. The second visit will be mainly to dismantle all the hutched bedbugs’ eggs.

Bed Bugs Control Services in Nairobi Kenya

Where are Bed Bugs Found

Bed bugs are mostly found in mattresses, box springs, bed frames and couches. The living room is the place where families and friends congregate. Since we spend so much time on our couches, a blood meal is always available for a bed bug therefore they can easily invade your sofa and embarrass you.

Bed bugs hide in tiny cracks and crevices and usually visit their host for a brief feed in the few hours just before dawn. To an expert pest controller, signs of bed bugs are easy to spot

  • Dark/black stains – on the mattress and surrounding area from bed bug excreta.
  • Small dark spots – small dark blood spots on bedding known as ‘faecal pellets’.
  • Blood spots on the sheets, mattress, couch
  • You can spot live bed bags
  • Sweet scent – an unpleasant, sweet, sickly scent.

Is your house or office infested with bed bugs? Don’t worry our Technician will come and examine the level of infestation and advice on how the bed bug procedure should be carried out effectively and efficiently. We will wipe out all the bed bugs from your property at an affordable price based on the amount of infestation by these pests