Cockroach Control Services in Nairobi Kenya

Cockroach Control Services in Nairobi

Solcity Shine cockroach fumigation services company has a strong presence and we are widely appreciated for our effective services, which are in line with our clients’ needs and requirements. We apply the safest insecticides through our modern equipment for ensuring 100% effectiveness in controlling the pests. This in turn ensures safety of human beings, pets and furniture thus helping you in saving your money.

We are highly reputable as the only company that uses the latest modern equipment accompanied by safe insecticides to restore your home from cockroach infestation quickly. You can therefore relax easy and let us ensure that these pests will never invade your home again.

Our cockroaches control team are fully trained and well equipped to manage any kind of infestation. We concentrate on the most infested area but also insist that the whole area including the manholes is done to be absolutely sure that the menace is dealt with completely.


Contact us on 0705 459 105 or or fill the form for a free cockroach fumigation services in Nairobi quote

Are Cockroaches Dangerous

Cockroaches are well known for spreading diseases and are associated with dirty environment. Exposure to these pests can make you vulnerable to Salmonella, Dysentery & Gastro-enteritis. The increase in eczema and childhood asthma have also been linked to cockroach droppings.

A quick response at the very first spot of cockroach is always essential in controlling their spread and infestation in your home or office. Call us today to make your home a no go zone for these annoying pests.

Cockroaches breed rapidly and they are resilient which means they spread very fast. Therefore, it’s only the most efficient and qualified fumigation professionals who can eliminate them entirely. We are the only fumigation company that uses the most powerful Eco-friendly Chemicals to eliminate cockroaches in your home by destroying all stages of their lifecycle.

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Signs of A Cockroach Infestation

  • Smear marks – check for marks on horizontal surfaces and at the intersections between the floor and the wall.
  • Droppings of Cockroaches – They leave a dust of black droppings less than 1mm wide and of varying lengths.
  • Shed skin – look for this evidence in locations you suspect they are sheltering especially in the kitchen cabins.
  • Damages caused by cockroaches – look for unusual signs of damage, not just on food packaging. Cockroaches will attack organic goods including leather and books.
  • Crawling cockroaches in your kitchens and washroom – This is cockroaches need warmth and humidity and therefore they tend to hide around the bathrooms, laundry rooms and kitchen areas.